Photo Restoration & Photoshop Magic

Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restore Family Heirloom Portrait Sharpen blurry images, colorized and color corrected
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restoration of Heirloom Photo Heavily damaged, missing pieces, reconstructed entire jacket, background near hair and colorized
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restoration of Heirloom Photograph Two large holes, part of face missing, pencil marks, colorization
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restoration of Badly Abused Heirloom Photograph Original photo on heavily textured paper, restoration of facial features (particularly the eyes), framing, colorization and correcting
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restoration of Family Heirloom Photograph. Top of original photo was lighter than bottom, scratch removed from face, colorized and color adjusted
Background replaced for portrait effect.
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restore and Color Family Heirloom Straighten and enlarge photo, spot removal
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restoration of Heirloom Photograph. Right lower corner of photo completely missing along with missing corner on right top. Spot and snow removal, stain removal, colorization and color correction.
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restoration Heirloom Family Portrait. Hot lighting corrected, sharpened blurry image, colorized and color corrected
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Screen Capture from Computer, LOW RESOLUTION, enhanced, manipulated and colorized
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restore Family Heirloom Photos. Spot Removal, expert colorization and correction
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restoration Family Heirloom. Sharpened yellowing photo, spot removal, colorization and color correction
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Professional Colorization of Heirloom Family Portrait.
$20 colorize a single sepia or black & white photo. [One photo]
$75 colorize 5 photos [$15 each]
$100 colorize 10 photos [$10 each]
These prices apply only to colorization of sepia or Black &
White photos IN GOOD SHAPE. The photo shown above was not ripped or torn.
This photo was downloaded from a genealogy site.
COLORIZING the photo was the only service performed
on this photo.
Contact me to have your family heirloom photos colorized.
I can also repair badly damaged photos. Contact me for a price estimate on those.
Photo Restoration & Colorization of Precious Family Photos
Restore Family Heirloom Portrait Sharpen blurry images, colorized and color corrected
Colorization of Heirloom Family Portrait.
$20 professionally colorize a single black & white or sepia photo. [One photo]
$75 colorize 5 photos [$15 each]
$100 colorize 10 photos [$10 each]
These prices apply ONLY to colorization of Black & White
photos IN GOOD SHAPE. The photo shown above was not
ripped or torn, or otherwise damaged.
The client took the above photo with a smart phone and sent it to me via text. You will notice the photo is NOT rectangular in the text mage. COLORIZING and SQUARING the photo was the only service performed on this photo.
As you can see it turned out beautifully!
Contact me to have your family heirloom photos colorized.
I can also repair badly damaged photos. Contact me for a price estimate on those.
Colorization of Heirloom Family Portrait.
$20 professionally colorize a single black & white or sepia photo. [One photo]
$75 colorize 5 photos [$15 each]
$100 colorize 10 photos [$10 each]
These prices apply ONLY to colorization of Black & White
photos IN GOOD SHAPE. The photo shown above was not
ripped or torn, or otherwise damaged.
The client took the above photo with a smart phone and sent it to me via text. You will notice the photo is NOT rectangular in the text mage. COLORIZING and SQUARING the photo was the only service performed on this photo
As you can see it turned out beautifully!
Contact me to have your family heirloom photos colorized.
I can also repair badly damaged photos. Contact me for a price estimate on those.
Colorization of Heirloom Family Portrait.
$20 professionally colorize a single black & white or sepia photo. [One photo]
$75 colorize 5 photos [$15 each]
$100 colorize 10 photos [$10 each]
These prices apply ONLY to colorization of Black & White
photos IN GOOD SHAPE. The photo shown above was not
ripped or torn, or otherwise damaged.
The client took the above photo with a smart phone and sent it to me via text. You will notice the photo is NOT rectangular in the text mage. COLORIZING and SQUARING the photo was the only service performed on this photo.

As you can see it turned out beautifully!
Contact me to have your family heirloom photos colorized.
I can also repair badly damaged photos. Contact me for a price estimate on those.